Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30
As we journey through the word to seek out the mind, heart, and spirit of our savior, we recount the many stories of the heart of those he selected to represent his kingdom through His saving grace. Imperfect people who were placed in positions of kingship, opposition, persecution, and suffering to endure for the glory of God, yet in the midst of their faith being tested, their character was being developed in the process.
As an heir of God’s love, I never truly understood the importance of character until I realized how much it is connected to the heart of God. When God chose us, He didn’t just choose us because of who we were, but all that He is. If our God is one of love, patience, kindness, gentleness, peace, and self discipline etc. [Galatians 5:22-23] why am I not requesting the assistance of the Holy Spirit to be the same?
Furthermore, if I love Christ because He first loved me, I must see the importance of exemplifying the character of Christ and being just like Jesus as I continuously die to self. As character will preserve your place in the promised land; it will provide favor and opportunity in moments of initial denial or rejection, it will cause man to show mercy and grace in moments of initial hostility and inequality.
While studying the concept of character God brought me to the book of Queen Esther.
Sometimes the promised land will not change but your character will determine how long you occupy the place God has called you to be. Beauty will get you there but character will keep you there.
The Book of Esther
In the book of Esther, we find two beautiful women who were chosen as queen. The initial throne belonged to Vashti, yet due to Vashti’s character, she was dethroned and the crown was handed to Esther, Hadassah. As I studied the scripture, the Holy Spirit highlighted the character of both women.
Although Vashti was beautiful, she did not carry the character traits needed to maintain her position in the palace. When summoned by the king, she rejected him by refusing to come (Esther 1:10-12). The kings desire went beyond displaying her beauty, but he wanted everyone to admire the woman who stood as a representative for the hearts of the people, yet she lacked the humility needed to represent them correctly. Her open heart of rebellion became an outward display of rejection towards those she was in a position to serve and love. Vashti lacked the level of maturity needed to preserve her seat at the table.
Esther, on the other hand, was a beautiful woman who was favored and adored by everyone who saw her. Not only because of her beauty but her ability to serve and love those in and connected to her spear.
The word stated that the king loved Esther more than any other woman. She was a humble woman who knew what it was like to endure pain as her parents passed at an early age, yet her pain pushed her into a position of purpose as she continued to persevere.
Esther was raised by her Uncle who assisted in her development. Once the king sent the decree out for all young virgins to be summoned to the palace, Esther hid her nationality as she was instructed by her Uncle.
Esther exemplified a humble woman who had an open heart to serve. As she was being groomed by the eunuchs she followed instructions which gained her more favor. Yet, the elevation did not cause her to become prideful. When time had come for her to go into the king’s bed, she continued to humble herself and followed the specific instructions of the eunuch. Esther became queen in replacement of Vashti. Eventually, she would become the voice to intercede on behalf of her people to save a generation.
“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
At the given statement Esther realized the severity of a nation at hand. God allowed her to be queen at this specific time to help save a specific nation of people who were all about to perish at the hands of one man who desired power.
What if Esther never had the character development and training to be queen. The kings men and the counsel were very specific in their instructions to the king. The people desired a woman who would not only care for herself, but the needs of them all.
Character is defined as the will to do what is right as defined by God regardless of the cost. Character can also be explained as the intentions, behavior, and morality of someone despite situations or circumstances. How do you behave or treat those around you at any given moment? How are you perceived by your community? Are you someone of integrity, poise, dignity, sacrifice, consideration, patience, kindness, gentleness, timely, peaceful, or self disciplined? How do you show up, is the very way most will describe you. Would you consider yourself to be a good representative of Christ? Not just in stature but in mind, heart, soul, and spirit? Are you a woman/man of excellency? Are you good with showing up on time? Do you show honor and respect to those around you? Do you intentionally consider those around you when needed? Are you intentional with your words? How do you treat when things are not going as you planned? Your level of maturity to perceive where you are standing and those connected to the promise, outside of yourself will also carry you.
Vashti was beautiful, yet her lack of character removed her from her destined seat of influence. At the king's call, she revealed herself to be a woman of disregard, immaturity, and disrespect. God has to deliver me from many of these traits, as I was once a woman who was unable to perceive my position and all God had in store for me, but God's love never stopped chasing me.
As I journey through this blog, my intentions are never to communicate perfection because Jesus is the only way and his Spirit helps us to become more like him, yet I desire to encourage people to be all God has called them to be as he continues to do the same for me.
Jesus saves